Career Opportunities


Journalism refers to the collection, preparation, and distribution of news and related commentary and feature materials through media platforms such as pamphlets, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, radio, motion pictures, television, books, blogs, webcasts, podcasts, and e-mail. The study of Journalism aims to imbibe those skills in students that help them become skilled journalists and have successful media careers.


Journalism includes reporting and commentaries delivered on television and radio. News events and film documentaries also fall under the scope of journalism. Reporters working for print media, electronic media, radio or the film industry are all covered by the broad term “Journalists.”

Career Opportunities

• Reporter
• Correspondent
• Copywriter
• Editor
• Proof-reader
• Public relations Officer
• Photo journalist
• Radio Jockey
• Video Jockey
• Vlogger
• Researcher
• Advertising
• Film Making
• Online Media
• Translator

Optional English

English Literature is the study of literary texts from around the world, spanning centuries. An English literature degree includes broad surveys of literature across genres, nationalities and eras, examining commonalities and differences among various works and authors. The course can be taken as part of programmes at the undergraduate and graduate levels.


A degree in English literature gives one access to literature from across the world and helps in critically analyzing the same. It equips you with the ability to understand human nature and is a pad for your independent thinking. It also helps improve your communication skills – both written and oral – that are vital to stand out from the crowd in today’s competitive world.

Career Opportunities

• Media and Journalism careers
• Publishing careers
• Content/ Technical/ Creative Writing
• Advertisement, Marketing and PR careers
• Teaching and Academic careers
• Careers in Public Sectors


Economics is a social science and is concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It studies how individuals, businesses, governments, and nations make choices on allocating resources to satisfy their wants and needs. It also tries to determine how these groups should organize and coordinate efforts to achieve maximum output.


It involves the study of microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics deals with individual units and studies concepts like consumer behaviour, product pricing, etc. Macroeconomics, on the other hand, studies the entire economy and covers concepts like national income, general price level, level of savings, etc.

Career Opportunities

• Economist
• Financial Risk Analyst
• Data Analyst
• Financial Planner
• Economic Researcher
• Financial Consultant
• Investment Analyst
• Actuary

Political Science

Political Science is the study of Constitution (The Constitution is the highest law of the land) of a country and its different political aspects. It involves the study of governmental, non- governmental systems and operations.


The field of political science can be divided into five sub-disciplines as political theory, public administration, comparative politics, international relations, and public law. These sub-disciplines provide the basis for the study of the workings of the global political economy. The success or failure of a particular governance structure is determined by political scientists who examine the various factors that contribute towards good or bad governance. With the explosion in political systems all over the world, political scientists and their scope of study has considerably broadened.

Career Opportunities

• Policy Analyst
• Legislative Assistant
• Public Relations Specialist
• Political Consultant
• Attorney
• Political Campaign Staff
• Political Scientists


Psychology is the scientific study of human and animal behaviour. Its application is seen in all aspects of life – work, family, relationships, etc.


Psychology is a diverse field of study and as a result of this diversity, one has the option to choose from a varied range of specializations, including Forensic Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Organizational/Industrial Psychology and Developmental/Child Psychology, among others.

Career Opportunities

• Teaching and Research
• Counselling Psychology
• Clinical Psychology
• Educational Psychology
• Social Work
• Industrial Psychology


Sociology can be defined as “the science of society.” It helps an individual understand himself and suitably adjust himself to his environment.


Sociology tries to systematically understand individuals and their social relationships. Its field of study includes analyzing social structures and institutions and the impact society has on man.

Career Opportunities

• Human Resources
• Media
• Social Work
• Teaching Profession
• Consumer Relations
• Civil Service
• Research
• Counselor
• Management Consultant
• Policy Analyst

Computer Science

The study of Computer Science specialises in implementation, design, computation systems and management of information systems of both software & hardware processes.


It includes various disciplines such as database management, IT, embedded systems, telecommunication, computer hardware, software implementation maintenance, multimedia, web designing, gaming, other areas of public and private organisations etc.

Career Opportunities

Those who are aspirants in computer science is stream can find various opportunities in the development of software and hardware systems in pioneer companies like Google, Microsoft, Adobe, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and many more.

Programmes Offered
JPO: Journalism, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
EPO: Economics, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
PES: Political Science, Economics & Sociology
PJS: Political Science, Journalism & Sociology
JPS: Journalism, Psychology & Sociology
PJO: Political Science, Journalism & Optional English (English Literature)

About the department
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