
Humanities facilitate and inspire students to have a quest to contribute further for its advancement by learning about the existing boundless information within it. At St. Claret College, the Department of Humanities, regularly organizes two national level conferences – Humanities Conference and an English Conference. The topics for these seminars straddle a wide range of topics.

English Conference
It is a regular annual event where students of Humanities from various colleges of the state present papers at the conference on a theme determined by the organizing committee. This is a student conference in its true sense where students take up the responsibility of organising and conducting the conference.

Over the years, a number of themes have been touched upon through this conference. “The Space in Between: An Exploration of the Texts and their Worlds” was one of the topics that was presented to the students with an intention of promoting research among the students. There were students, research scholars and professors from various backgrounds who presented on the topic, enabling an environment of critical thinking and inquiry. Some other conferences of note organised by the department are:

  • English Conference for the academic year 2018-19 was held on September 28, 2018 with the theme “Myths, Legends and Folklore- Intertextuality in Literature”. Mr Siva Ramakrishnan, Assistant Professor, English at Rani Anna Women Government College, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu was the Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker of the day. The conference was a grand success with around 100 students participating and presenting papers
  • In the academic year 2017-18, the theme of the conference was “Revisiting Shakespeare: beyond Literary Criticism and Literary Theory”. Held on 28th March, 2018, the Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker of the day was Dr Shreekeerthy, Assistant Professor of English, Department of Studies in English at Bangalore University. Around 90 students participated and presented papers in the conference

Humanities Conference
The Humanities Conference, like the English Conference, is organised every year and open up greater avenues of research for one and all. Three major conferences of note organised by the department are:

  • The Department of Humanities organised a One-Day National Conference on October 11, 2019 on the topic “Dimensions of Rural Development: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities”. The delegates consisted of Faculty, Research Scholars, Post-graduates and Under-Graduates from various universities and discipline. The Chief Guest and Keynote speaker of the day was Ms Hephsiba Rani Korlapati, IAS, Managing Director, Bengaluru Smart City Company Limited, Govt. of Karnataka. All the paper presenters explored and provided us with more ideas and insights on the problems and opportunities for Rural Development.
  • The Department organised a National Conference titled “Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Culture and Gender Rules” on April 11, 2019. Mr Robert M Geraci, Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College was the Chief Guest and the Keynote Speaker. The Conference was attended by over 100 delegates from across the country.
  • The Department organised a NABARD sponsored National-level Conference on Women Empowerment on March 7, 2018. The topic was “A Multi-Disciplinary Approach on Women Empowerment: Voice and Visibility”. Dr Jija Madhavan Harisingh, 1st Woman IPS Officer from South India and Former DGP was the Chief Guest. More than 100 delegates from across the country part in the conference and deliberated upon the conference theme. Altogether, 70 paper presentations were made during the day.

Programmes Offered
JPO: Journalism, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
EPO: Economics, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
PES: Political Science, Economics & Sociology
PJS: Political Science, Journalism & Sociology
JPS: Journalism, Psychology & Sociology
PJO: Political Science, Journalism & Optional English (English Literature)

About the department
Vision, Mission & Goals
Faculty Profile
Best Practices
Department Clubs

Departmental Activities