Guest Lectures

Guest lectures are an important part of the pedagogy adopted by the department. Since its inception, various guest lectures on relevant topics are organised by the respective disciplines of the department on a regular basis. Eminent and learned personalities are invited to deliver these lectures. Based on the discipline, some of the prominent guest lectures conducted in the last few years are:

  • A lecture on “Literary Devices” was conducted for all the students of BA on January 19, 2017. Mr L. Janardhan, Retired Professor of English, Acharya Institute of Graduate studies was the resource person for the day. He spoke on literary devices and techniques used in various genres of literature. The Department conducted a guest lecture on “Indian English Literature: Its Nuances, Development, Influence and Post-Colonial Work” on September 27, 2017. Ms. Sharmin Thampi, Assistant Professor, Department of English from Kristu Jayanti College was the resource person for the guest lecture. The guest lecture was conducted for all the students of the department.
  • On February 15, 2018, the Department conducted a guest lecture on “Literature and Philosophy.” Dr Cheriyan Alexander, Associate Professor, HoD, Dept. of English, St. Joseph’s College was the guest speaker. He spoke on the importance of literature and philosophy, its relation to the concepts of Epistemology, Metaphysics, logic and aesthetics. He gave a broad idea on the way an author looks at people, their characteristics, situation and background.
  • Dr Molly Joy, HoD, Department of Psychology, Kristu Jayanti College, delivered a lecture on “Internet Addiction among Youth and Tips to Overcome the Addiction” on August 27, 2016. The session began with “Reasons to Why Youth are Getting Addicted to Internet”, followed by an interactive session with students. The session ended with the resource person sharing a few trips to be followed to get out of addiction.
  • A guest lecture was organised on Play Therapy on April 9, 2019. Dr Sherin P Antony, a clinical psychologist from training and research initiatives (TRI), Bangalore was the resource person for the guest lecture. Dr Sherin spoke on the significance of toys in a play therapy session. She also asked every student to choose a toy and write why they chose the particular toy.
  • The Department organised a guest lecture on “Child Labour and Child Abuse” for BA Sociology students on September 16, 2017. Dr Bitasta Das, Instructor-Humanities Undergraduate Programme, Centre of Contemporary Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru was the resource person for the day. The lecture helped the students understand social problems that they encounter in the society.
  • The Department of Sociology conducted a guest lecture on 6th November, 2019 in the seminar hall. Dr Lehkha Subaiya, Asst. Professor, Population Research Centre, Institute for Social and Economic Change delivered a lecture on “Current debates in social demography”.
  • Thirumala M of Sindhi College, Hebbal, Bengaluru, delivered a lecture on “Capital Market and Stock Market in India”, for the students of BA Economics on September 3, 2016. This session was interactive and very informative The Department conducted a guest lecture on “Sustainable Agriculture: A Few Musings” on September 15, 2017. MR. Shrikantha Murthy, Associate Professor, University of Agricultural Sciences was the resource person for the guest lecture. The students were given information on agriculture and water conservation
Other Guest Lectures:
  • Mr Joseph David, Principal, Sure foot School, Calabar, Nigeria, delivered a lecture on “The History of African Literature” on August 3, 2016 to all the students of BA. He spoke about the African customs, lifestyle and education. He also gave an overview of the origin of African society, the difference components of the vibrant oral traditions and the major trends in the development of African Literature

Programmes Offered
JPO: Journalism, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
EPO: Economics, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
PES: Political Science, Economics & Sociology
PJS: Political Science, Journalism & Sociology
JPS: Journalism, Psychology & Sociology
PJO: Political Science, Journalism & Optional English (English Literature)

About the department
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Departmental Activities