Industrial Visit

The term itself instils immense happiness and excitement in students. The idea of embarking on an educational trip encourages many. Industrial visits are a great source to gain practical knowledge. Students can observe and learn as to how theatrical concepts are put into action, thereby aiding their practical learning.

The objective of an industrial visit is to provide our students an insight regarding internal working of companies. With an aim to go beyond academics, industrial visits provide them with an opportunity to learn practically through interaction, working methods and employment practices. Visiting different companies also helps students build a good relationship with those companies.

Following are the industrial visits the Department of Humanities has organised for the students over the years:-

  • The first visit was to the Public TV on 27 July, 2013
  • Second visit was to the Deccan Herald on 24 October, 2013
  • On 13 January, 2014, the students were taken to Cadabams, a mental rehabilitation centre In an attempt to sensitize students to information resource centres and build their reference skill capacities, Final year BA students were taken to The British Council Library, Bangalore and were made aware of the latest means of information retrieval systems on 14 August, 2012
  • Students of Final year BA visited The Banyan Psychological Rehabilitation Centre, an NGO operating from Chennai on 20 August, 2012 with a view to formalizing them to practical aspects of Abnormal Psychology as well as making them aware of career prospects in the field
  • Students of the Department visited TV 9 studio as part of their field trip on 16 September, 2012. Students gained invaluable insights into various aspects of news production in the electronic media and also greatly benefitted from their interactions with news anchors and other personnel involved in the process
  • An industrial visit was organized for Final year BA to ITC with a view to expose the students to industrial applications of theoretical concepts in Industrial Psychology course. Here, the students were briefed about the industry and the role of an industrial Psychologist, followed by a visit to the production unit.
  • The IIIrd year BA students visited the Vidhana Soudha on February 3, 2017 as part of their educational trip to understand the proceedings of the state legislature
  • The Department of Psychology organized a one-day field visit for BA students to Cadabams a psycho-social rehabilitation centre on February 27, 2017. The one-day program began with an orientation session for the students wherein they were informed about various psychological challenges and rehabilitation programmes held at Cadabams. The Department of Economics organized an educational trip to DTRI, Jalahalli, Bengaluru, on March 21, 2017. The II and III year students of Humanities visited the institute and got enlightened on Tax regulations, Public Economics and various job opportunities in the Income Tax and Customs department
  • Students of St. Claret College took part in Zee TV’s programme ‘Family Doctor’ at Balaji Digi Studio, Uttarahalli on July 16, 2017. Students were selected to ask questions related to ophthalmology. The programme was anchored by Shylaja Santosh. Dr Nalini, Dr Divya, Dr Ravichandran and Dr Sangamitra were on the panel for the show Economics students visited Unibic Foods India Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru on September 24, 2017. Students were taken around the processing unit and were briefed about the process of biscuits and cookies production
  • The Department of Humanities (Journalism) organised a visit to ‘Janapada Loka’ (Folk world) in Ramnagar district in Karnataka for I BA students on September 28, 2017
  • The Department of Humanities (Economics) organised a visit to Unibic Foods India Pvt Ltd in Bangalore for all economic students on September 24, 2017
  • Journalism department took II BA Students to Tumkur Community Radio Station 90.8 FM Radio Siddhartha and TV Studio, on October 28, 2017. Students got a first-hand experience of giving voice over to the Radio Programme. Mr Muddesh, Director of Sri Siddhartha Media studies told the students they should learn practically especially with the course like Journalism
  • A visit to The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro- Sciences (NIMHANS) was organised for psychology students accompanied by Assistant Professor, Ms Angela, on 12th January, 2018. The half a day program was divided into three sessions. In the first session, students were briefed about the brain and its functioning. This was followed by a visit around the brain museum, where students were allowed to see live brain, spinal cord, heart etc. The last session for the day was the anatomy session, in which students were allowed to learn by holding and touching organs. Through this visit, students had a practical exposure to the brain and its functioning
  • A visit to Indian Institute of Agricultural Sciences was organised on August 8, 2019. About 40 students of III BA, accompanied by Ms Angela and Ms Sonal, were welcomed by the institute Director Mr Suresha, who also oriented the students on the magnitude of the baking industry and the entrepreneurial opportunities it offers

Programmes Offered
JPO: Journalism, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
EPO: Economics, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
PES: Political Science, Economics & Sociology
PJS: Political Science, Journalism & Sociology
JPS: Journalism, Psychology & Sociology
PJO: Political Science, Journalism & Optional English (English Literature)

About the department
Vision, Mission & Goals
Faculty Profile
Best Practices
Department Clubs

Departmental Activities