Linkages and MoUs

The Department of Humanities, St. Claret College strongly believes in quality education which can be achieved through practical training beyond formal teaching. The importance of remarkable training involves on-the-job training and case studies which can be well understood and achieved in the present competitive world, where every enterprise is need and outcome based. Various commissions have been laid and established by the Govt. of India from time to time emphasizing the need of strong linkage and collaboration with industries and corporate houses in India which can be achieved with concurrent efforts of educational institutions. To face the expectations and needs of unexpected corporate market, the institution focuses on industria-academia collaboration connecting the gap between students and job market. This linkage within different sectors of the corporate world would support to produce well-organized technocrats for the market by providing internships, projects, on the job training for students at various levels. Leading firms are always craving for efficient personnels and it is here linkages and collaboration with institutions will cater to the emerging needs. The institution and department will be responsible for not only building and maintaining linkages with various enterprises but will also provide unique platform to check and improve the training curriculum of various fields of studies and thereby set new and improved quality standards. Likewise, the department has ongoing linkages which enhance the students’ capabilities in their career advancement.

The Mask People
The Department of Humanities and Mask People Private Limited, Bangalore has involved in training the students in acting skills, providing certificate course in street play, mime, proscenium, mono act and team buildings sessions in the field of theatre studies. Students are trained to understand various kinds of social issues and encouraged to perform activities in in-capmus and out-campus activities. These activities sensitize the students to understand path breaking issues in the society. Further, theatre workshops, certificate programmes are conducted each academic year for the enrichment of students in acting skills.

Moreover, the department is actively pursuing tie-ups with various academic institutions, industries, corporates and research institutions.

The Department of Humanities, St. Claret College, has the policy to create MOUs between various state, national and international institutions with academic cooperation. The aim of these MOUs is to provide a platform for students and faculty to interact with various government and non-governmental organisation in academic cooperation in the areas of curriculum development, research, extension, field work, faculty exchange and student exchange. The department is in the process of tie-ups with various institutions of national, international importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. This enables the students to enrich their academic performances as well as in the transfer of knowledge outcomes. In order to cover these expectations, the department has framed various objectives listed below.

  1. To improve academic culture in the department by promoting linkages and MOUs with other National and International institutions, Industries, corporate houses, etc. in all branches of teaching, extension and research.
  2. To identify path breaking issues and challenges in the curriculum and train students from time to time to face the challenges of today and tomorrow.
  3. To enable exchange of knowledge and information with institutions, universities and industrial houses.

Programmes Offered
JPO: Journalism, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
EPO: Economics, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
PES: Political Science, Economics & Sociology
PJS: Political Science, Journalism & Sociology
JPS: Journalism, Psychology & Sociology
PJO: Political Science, Journalism & Optional English (English Literature)

About the department
Vision, Mission & Goals
Faculty Profile
Best Practices
Department Clubs

Departmental Activities