Social Outreach Programmes

Social Outreach Programmes are an educational process practiced for the holistic development of students. It reminds them about the importance of community feeling that needs to be inculcated in the society. College students are the future citizens and these programmes are conducted to develop in them a sense of responsibility and accountability towards the people around them.


  • To promote community feeling
  • To encourage experiential learning method of teaching learning process
  • To facilitate networking amongst youth
  • To provide life skills to students

Social Outreach Programmes are necessary in the disciplines related to Humanities as it helps to mould an individual in a holistic manner through experience. The theoretical ideas of the disciplines are put into practice in these sessions.
Activities conducted by the Department


  • Swacch Bharat Abhiyan Campaign
  • Extension Program at Government School, Jalahalli
  • HIV/AIDS awareness Program
  • Health Survey
  • World Health Day
  • Literacy Drive
  • Literacy drive

Swacch Bharat Abhiyan Campaign

Swacch Bharat Abhiyan is a cleanliness drive initiated by the Government of India in 2014. It was launched as a campaign on the day of Gandhi Jayanti. Department of Humanities conducted Swacch Bharat Abhiyan Campaign as an extension activity in Jalahalli Police Station on April 8, 2019. Twenty Students were a part of it under the faculty coordinators, Thomas A Mattappallil and Dr Muniraju.

Extension Program in Jalahalli

An extension Program was conducted at Government School by distributing school bags for the students on March 8, 2019. It is aimed to facilitate good relationship with the nearby areas of the college. Department of Humanities conducted it with ten students. The feedback that was received for the program was extremely positive.

Health Survey

Survey is a method of gathering data both qualitatively and quantitatively to arrive at a conclusion. Samples are taken based on different factors like geography, social strata, category, education, gender, caste, religion etc. it is used as effective data collection method in social science research. The questionnaire is prepared in advance for collecting information. A Health Survey was conducted on April 1, 2019 and BA students participated in it. An awareness on their health and hygiene was to be given in the later stages based upon the analysis of the survey.

HIV/AIDS Awareness Programme

Awareness programme helps to bridge the gap between urban-rural life. Students go to the village and observe the activities conducted by the people and interact with them to take an informal survey about their life. They also conduct activities to make them understand the social problems and personal issues. Activities like camp fire, games, group dances and singing are organised. Department of Humanities conducted awareness programme of HIV/AIDS in Sharadamba Nagar on April 1, 2019. The students from second and third year of BA participated in the awareness campaign.

World Earth Day

World Earth Day celebration shows our responsibility to the earth which faces environmental issues. Department of Humanities celebrated World Earth Day on 23 April, 2019. Students planted trees in the garden of HMT circle as a symbolic idea to protect trees. They also distributed saplings of the trees to the nearby houses as a futuristic plan. Faculty coordinators like Ms Angela, Ms Nice, Ms Gopika and Ms Nobelyne coordinated the activities.

Literacy Drive

Literacy Drive is a service method to inculcate the idea of education among the common people of society. The Department conducted literacy drive for BBMP workers for a week beginning from 16th of November to 23rd of November, 2019. It aimed to make them write their names in Kannada and English, do basic calculations of addition and subtraction and talk the basics of English. Ms Gopika was the faculty coordinator of the programme. The classes were taken by BA students from all the three years.


It is a practice to bring about a lot of change in the traditional classroom establishment. Even though the practicality of the student centric methods depends upon the time and the number of students, it has been considered an effective method of learning. The Department takes this into consideration while planning all their social outreach programmes.

Programmes Offered
JPO: Journalism, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
EPO: Economics, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
PES: Political Science, Economics & Sociology
PJS: Political Science, Journalism & Sociology
JPS: Journalism, Psychology & Sociology
PJO: Political Science, Journalism & Optional English (English Literature)

About the department
Vision, Mission & Goals
Faculty Profile
Best Practices
Department Clubs

Departmental Activities