Vision and Mission

To sensitize students to the broader social, cultural, economic, ethical and humanitarian issues involved in social change.

To provide complete education which includes languages, literature, journalism, social and behavioural sciences where the students learn to unite the application of scientific principles along with human, moral and social understanding.

• To impart professional education and training in various disciplines of humanities
• To disseminate knowledge and information by organizing seminars/workshops/conferences/add-on courses to develop professionalism
• To develop soft skills of the students in order to increase their employability
• To facilitate students to gain thorough conceptual understanding, analytical and interpretive skills, research skills, social and communication skills, thereby contributing to holistic development of their personality
• Foster an environment where students are intellectually curious, develop critical thinking abilities, involve in self-reflection, take on leadership skills, and embrace an inclusive and liberal mind set towards fellow humans
• To increase awareness among students on local, national and international issues, and strengthen their practical knowledge and capabilities
• Imbibe ethical, moral, national and cultural values that make them better human beings

Programmes Offered
JPO: Journalism, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
EPO: Economics, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
PES: Political Science, Economics & Sociology
PJS: Political Science, Journalism & Sociology
JPS: Journalism, Psychology & Sociology
PJO: Political Science, Journalism & Optional English (English Literature)

About the department
Vision, Mission & Goals
Faculty Profile
Best Practices
Department Clubs

Departmental Activities