Vocational Training


Add-on course are a continuation of the undergraduate or postgraduate course which the student pursues in the college. It requires the expertise of an external faculty who is a specialist in the area of subject in which the add-on course is conducted for the students.

Departmental Activities

The Department of Humanities regularly organizes various add – on programmes in association with reputed organizations to enhance students’ creative thinking skills and to help them meet the industrial skill requirement. The prospectuses of all the programmes are designed in reference to the most recent trends in the field of Humanities, for a reasonable cost, to make possible better career opportunities. The curriculum of all add – on programmes are designed to meet the needs of students who are planning a career in today’s competitive world.

  • An Add-on course on ‘Short Film Making’ was conducted by the department for a duration of 30 hours in the academic year 2013-14. The course combined both theory and practical knowledge and was administered by Rev. Fr Manoj during March – April, 2014.
  • An Add-on course on ‘Introduction to Film Making’ was organised by the department during September – October, 2019 for a duration of 30 hours. The resource person for the course was Mr Jishnu Krishnan, Research Assistant, IIT-Bombay. The course objective was to equip the students with all aspects of film making & video program production using digital video equipment. Students were taught the basics of Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. A vital aspect of the course was individual mentoring.

The Department aims to offer more number of courses with contemporary relevance in the future so as to boost the employability and holistic development of students.

Vocational Training
Vocational education is education that prepares students to work in various jobs such as a trade or a craft. Vocational education is also referred to as career and technical education. The Department of Humanities started the initiative of providing the students with vocational training from the year 2018. This initiative has provided the students with a platform to develop their innate talents, interests and creativity.

The courses designed for vocational training takes place in classrooms after college hours. The trainer is an entrepreneur who runs a business of her own by selling the craft items that she makes. She serves as a motivating force for students who want to turn their passion into a profitable business. Following are the items that are taught to our students through this training:

  1. Pot Painting
  2. Explosion box
  3. Pencil stand
  4. Paintings for beginners
  5. Bottle decoration
  6. Picture wall hanging
  7. Pom pom wall hanging
  8. Different handwriting styles
  9. Origami
  10. Cloth bows
  11. Envelopes
  12. Bag painting
  13. Wall decoration
  14. Greeting cards
  15. Photo frame

All the materials needed for the above activities are provided by the trainer and a menial amount is collected for the same. The students are very enthusiastic to learn these arts and are taught to make use of waste materials to create something beautiful. This not only provides the students with a sense of accomplishment but also brings out their creativity.

Programmes Offered
JPO: Journalism, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
EPO: Economics, Psychology & Optional English (English Literature)
PES: Political Science, Economics & Sociology
PJS: Political Science, Journalism & Sociology
JPS: Journalism, Psychology & Sociology
PJO: Political Science, Journalism & Optional English (English Literature)

About the department
Vision, Mission & Goals
Faculty Profile
Best Practices
Department Clubs

Departmental Activities